Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Snoozin' Musin'

Aaah Sunday....yes it's gorgeous out there, and here I am inside with my third cup of coffee(small cup of course) because alas tis that season of Ragweed poisoning that hits me EVERY year.  No matter what I take(Claritin-D, Allegra-D, Zyrtec the other stuff with the D) my allergies are terrible!  I'm talking eyes glued shut, sore throat, earache terrible. But enough about that boring shit.

Friday night my nephew Crosby spent the night.  This was his first night away from his Mom(my sister) ever.  He is only one.  After she left he alternated between an angry cry and quiet little sobs that broke my heart for the first hour.  He wore himself out.  But then he must have realized that I was taking good care of him because he perked up.

At one point though, all I could think was I can never be a Mom.  This thought hit me while be unable to comfort him, and then again while he was kicking me in my sleep.   My friends kids showed up at 6 AM, while Crosby was still sleeping.  So I whipped up some pancakes(3 different kinds), let them watch some cartoon and I tried to snooze for about an hour before Crosby woke up.
We went to a super nice playground that was full of eager kids in soccer uniforms, tired looking Moms, casual-Saturday Dads and me.  I had more kids with me then most of the parents there!

I watched these parents talking to each other, I kept quiet because  I just can't banter about school, soccer practice, etc.  My life is so vastly different then these people.  And some of the parents just sat back watching kids play.  I was climbing on stuff, going down slides,(there were a few others doing the same) spinning kids on tires, pushing swings.

The kids wanted McDonald's for lunch<insert unhealthy gasp here> so they got their happy meals and were happy.  I came home and began my Saturday cleaning regime. Vacuuming, mopping, swishing the toilet bowl with chemicals....

SO how many of you are wondering what my point is in this post right???  Well here it comes.

I just want to say that for all those single Moms/Dads out there who are raising kids.

 I congratulate you to no end.

You've got a tough job.  You are my heroes.  I include in this any parent who has a spouse that is in the military and currently deployed.

See, I keep an eye on what parents post on Facebook, etc.  I see a lot of two parent, stay-at-home Mom's complaints and look, I get it.  Raising kids is difficult, but I think a lot of women don't get what other women have to face.  I think that being a SAHM is a luxury...and it's a luxury that not everyone can afford.

As women, we live in an advantaged society, never before in history have we had so much opportunity and technological advances.  Technological advances being: Electric washers and dryers, microwaves, running water, ovens etc.  So here is my point to Mom's across the board(as a non-mother), you've all got a tough job, caring for kids, cleaning, cooking, educating.

 But especially to those single-Mom's, you guys are superb.  I know many single parents work, their kids are in daycare or go to babysitters and maybe they feel guilty.  Here's what I think, you're feeding your kids, putting a roof over their head and teaching them so many things by having a career/job outside the home.  

Now if only our country could provide more value to bearing and raising children, like longer maternity leave, affordable childcare, longer school days, better education all wages, healthcare, you know like almost all those other countries that truly value families, and don't just pretend like the USA.
But that is a whole other topic for another day.

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